Monday, December 12, 2011

What exactly am I doing here?

I have this friend, Mary, who is probably the only chick I know that I can talk sports with. Granted, she has her faults, she's a Mavs fan and a Cardinals fan, but we all can't be perfect, can we? 

Anyway, I'd say a minimum of 3 times a week, she deals with me going off on a sports related rant. Last week, I went off on something, I can't even keep track at this point at what my tangent was about. I actually started feeling badly about it. So, I made a comment about how I should really write a blog so I can save her from needing to, read via gchat about my sports peeves. So, with her creative assistance, Jill-ted: Rantings of an Angry Female Fan was born.  THANKS, MARY!!

PS - I feel like I need to put a disclaimer on this thing before I get too involved. For starters, like I said before, I go on rants. So, try to keep up, typically, when I go on rants I just babble. If I have to proof read a rant, it totally kills my high. So, just deal with it.

Also, I'm a Boston sports fan. We're loyal, almost to a fault, I will fight you tooth and nail that our teams are the best there is (despite a complete collapse with a side of beer and fried chicken). 

So, here is my Christmas gift to Mary - an outlet for my rantings that she can read at will instead of feeling obligated to "feel my pain" and "understand" what I'm going through.


  1. NO ONE understands like a Boston fan. I'm so excited to read your rants!

  2. Thanks, Vanessa!!! Don't forget to follow me! :-)

  3. YES! Something to read at work :)
